Terms and Conditions

Book your trial

Terms and Conditions

Refund and Class Policy

  • Please note, once enrolled we do not offer refunds for classes your child cannot attend/missed. If you would like to cancel your future classes please email info@streetfunk.co.uk to cancel your future payments.
  • Membership includes - 86 classes - certified graduation and certificate - Participation in our huge end of year production - Streetfunk T-Shirt​.
  • Please be aware that you may or may not be offered a place for your preferred choice of class as we may feel that your child will benefit from a different class and will advise you accordingly.

Health and Safety

In order that we maintain appropriate standards of Health & Safety, you are responsible for disclosing any prior medical or physical conditions on this form and also to the teacher before class starts. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of the course, please consult a doctor. You expressly acknowledge that engagement in dance whether under the care and supervision of Streefunk in the course of tuition or as a matter of free form dance in social dance engagement, is a physical activity of medium to high aerobic demand AND that engagement in dance may occasion falls, sprains or twisted ligaments, respiratory or cardiovascular stress (in persons with respiratory or cardiovascular disabilities.) The attendee (or parent/guardian) covenants with Streefunk that the attendee has sought all appropriate medical advice prior to the acceptance of this invitation to ensure that the Client is in good physical condition, fully able to undertake the aerobic demands if dance (including without limitation fast tempo modern dance) at the date hereof AND FURTHER, the Client accepts and assumes ALL RESPONSIBILITY for any loss, damage, injury or adverse consequence suffered by the Client as a result of engaging in dance AND INDEMNIFIES Streefunk absolutely in respect of any claim by or through the Client in the event of injury to or demise of the Client as a consequence of engaging in dance excluding only loss or damage suffered as a direct consequence of negligent re breach of duty of care by Streefunk. The client acknowledges that some physical contact may be necessary by the course instructor.

Medical Information

The membership form includes a section to inform us of any activities a child may not be able to take part in, the reason why, and any medical or physical condition’s or behavioural problems. If full information is not provided this may result in the child being excluded from certain activities. In such circumstances, NO refund will be paid and we may have to cancel the booking, All information given will be treated in complete confidence.


Streefunk does not accept liability for personal injury or the death of any participant unless directly caused by proven negligence of the company and its servants. Streefunk accepts no liability of any loss or damage to any property or belongings of any students or visitors.


If an attendee is persistently disruptive, or if we feel their attendance affects the good atmosphere of the course, we may decide to exclude them. Transport home will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian and no refund will be made for days missed or the cost of transport.

Date Protection

Streefunk acts as a Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998. We need to collect some personal details from you and your children on your booking so we can process your booking, such as names, ages, and any special medical or dietary restrictions and in some cases, credit/debit card or other payment details. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary permission to pass on the personal details of all the children that you are making a booking for.


We take photographs/video at the course that may be used for marketing and promotional purposes including social media for Streefunk. If you would rather you/your child was not included in any photographs we must be informed in writing before the course starts. Signature of this form constitutes your consent to take and use these pictures/videos.

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